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                Golden Era                                            


21 December 2014

Published 21.12.2014


                                                                                                                                                                                                             [Adverting Above, 2012 Alignment & Golden Era]


Leading A Golden Era, consisted of probably one of the most impossible tasks and co-ordinations in the history of our time and of the human ages, primarily because of the context of the ‘shift’ and geographic complexities of ‘people and places’.  Nevertheless, by the grace of God, Hart Culture C.I.C. has successfully ushered in the 2012 Golden Era to Local Communities world wide. The ‘Free’ question is, how do you gather up yourself from the loose scatterings of the worlds knowledge, hidden secrets of the Ancients, miss - represented achievement, dodgy claims to victories and half baked historical facts? How do you gather up ‘self confidence’ in your community from a written rhetoric that renders you useless, your ancestral achievements - shunned, and appendices that your brain is inferior to your ‘conqueror’ through scientific pseudo - science? And that this is the main reason for your incarceration and oppression? Seems like a challenge right? No, because thankfully, there is only ‘one’ truth, of which is what we’ll be looking at during the Golden Era and the world will come to experience during the next Golden Age.

In order to deliver people out of this abyss of ‘non sense’, the very hand of God would have had to begin giving people body slams to re-direct their path back to him and not into the cunning hands of Caesar.
No, not the Caesar Salad in the up market Sandwich shops, but the ideological era that Caesar stands for - Empire.

In order to achieve this important ushering in of the Golden Era and essentially a reliable conscious shift, we had to single handedly align the planets, in order to ensure that all the Universal energy is emitted to the people of the earth and to the #Golden Leaders of tomorrow and assist them in their quest for ‘betterment’. That is nothing less than 150,000 tonnes of Earth, water, animals, trees and mountains. Also 10,000K/J of Sunlight per second transported through to the earth and transforming over 40,000 Tonnes of Melanin. Thankfully the planets complied, and the positive energy was increased to astronomical levels (excuse the pun). We had to emit energy from the sun x15 times the normal rate of vibration, increase the vibration of human consciousness and with the help of Social Media talk to everyone at the same time as the conscious shift swept the nations. To ensure maximum understanding, it also had to be accompanied with written articles of association to go along for the families that needed ‘easy reading’ of the Golden Era. So, the world is being swallowed up by an enormous unseen specie, and the peoples and tribes of the world are loosing everything that they have ever worked for and every knowledge and wisdom that they thought they knew are constantly challenged every day? What do you do? It is Time to ‘Shift?

Making the conscious shift was probably half of the problem. However, it was more of finding the #Golden Leaders out of the debris and relics of the Iron Age that were ready and willing to step up to the plate and deliver this #GoldenEra - that was the real challenge. However, the whole positive movement happened swifter than you could say twenty twelve! They somehow dropped what they were doing, found each other and came on board. The leading body for the Golden Era Alignment - Hart Culture C.I.C. saw over 40 companies and individuals come together to celebrate the ushering in of the Golden Era and held an official Opening Ceremony at the Tate & Lyle Sugars industrial unit in Silvertown comprising of over 150 years of history. Ceremony of the cutting of the triple chocolate Gateaux cake was cut and shared. The Nigeria High commission Office reserved a good portion of the Gateaux and the excess was shared amongst the community. After the Natural History Museum’s Earth Galleries Management, quoted a hire price of over £50,000GBP for the night, it caused the Social Enterprise firm to naturally ‘align’ to a different venue. The ‘2012 Alignment’ would have other wise been hosted across the Gallery of Precious Rocks & minerals, Earth Galleries, Gallery of Soil and the ‘Power Galleries’ on the top floor. The walls were adorned with the constellations of the ‘heavens’ and a micro - sized revolving earth with a protruding elevator through its centre. The most important thing is that the Golden Era connects the hearts of the people all across the world.


The Facebook Fan Page saw people from Egypt, Cairo, Alexandria and Sudan send their well wishes to a #GoldenRace, UK chapter to celebrate their ultimate journey of return? Myths and Legends have it that, the 21 December Shift put the world in gear to welcome their return. Through the preparation of the world’s crème of the crop to evaluate, shift, ascend and overcome whatever situation they happened to find themselves in.
There is no need to keep believing, if it doesn’t serve you - time to shift and move on, as we have work to do.

In short, the Golden Era has been a success, and the #GoldenRace are indeed making progress in setting in place the ultimate community transformations. They are working across every Medium currently available and taking the world stage by meteor - style storm. There is unequivocally no stopping them. Remembering that we need to prepare to see a Golden Race come back into existence, means that we need to aim to Inspire Excellence - Always! First, from the comfort of our own homes, then in our neighbourhoods and respective communities.  When we can practice excellence amongst ourselves, we can begin to shine excellence in the world again.

The 2012 Golden Era represents the last period of the Golden Era AD2012 - AD2022 (ten years). It is the last decade for people to essentially ‘wake up’ from their sleepy slumber. In effect, The Golden Era started way before December 2012, however not everyone had tapped into the frequency until it became a worldwide phenomenon. Once the decade is up, then the world will shift gear into the 2nd Golden Age, and the human cycle begins over again.

This is a period to ask questions, evaluate ourselves, recognise the magnificence of God’s creations and live in tandem with them. Like learning to drive a car, we must ensure that we know the cock pit drills, so that when we are in the Driving seat unaided, we don’t cause a clash, or what’s worse - cause a terrible accident on the road.
The Golden Age is supposed to be the resolution that follows with the promise of a Golden Race, reborn revived and resurrected from the depths of the worlds most deadliest cultural interval. Being away from God, is like putting the earth of on a cemented confirmed crash collision course head on with disaster. There is no other option. Disaster will be the destiny.

The best way to prepare for the Golden Age would be to work on yourself during the ‘Golden Era’ to live in Alignment during the ‘Golden Age’. For those just beginning to understand the movement of the worlds conscious shift, the basics would be to start with ‘loving yourself’. For the spiritually astute at the leading forefront of the Era, it would be to Align oneself with the principles of God, and hold up his statutes regardless of Race, Gender, Creed or Colour. So, is the Golden Era for everyone? No, because many are called, but few are chosen.

As much as the modern Media bad mouth the movement and in some cases completely deny the principalities of the Alignment by institutions who should really know better - like NASSA, that call it ludicrous and absurd that the world should be going through a spiritual evolution. They have chucked out the baby, the bathwater and the smelling salts leaving nothing left. Thankfully, we have the internet and 1,500,000million people around the world unequivocally outnumber the personnel Team of NASSA.

What we want to establish in this whole exploration of truth and discovery is a healthier position for the worlds most afflicted and a stronger platform for the people without a voice. We’ve been told that it can be done and that every spiritual leader of the Ancient World is with us on this. Therefore, what is left to say other than Bon Voyage,
see you at the next Golden Age!

#GoldenEra #NextGeneration #ReturnOfTheGoldenRace #Alignment #HartCulture #HartOfCulture #CultureOfTheHart #100PositiveAchievement #Radical77 #R77Music #About77 #BubblesFM #HeavyWindMedia #LeadingAGoldenEra #GoldenRace #ReturnOfTheMenWisdom #SeedsOfElevation #2012Alignment #2012Align

Related Writing : 'Leading A Golden Era' 


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